Keys Extractor

The Keys Extractor is a core feature of Transloco Keys Manager designed to identify all the translation keys in your project and generate corresponding entries in your translation files. It helps streamline the translation workflow by automating tedious tasks and ensuring consistency across the codebase.

CLI Usage

To use the Keys Extractor via CLI:


Add a script to your package.json:

"scripts": {
  "extract": "transloco-keys-manager extract"

Run the extractor:

pnpm extract

This command scans your project for translation keys and updates your translation files accordingly.

Scopes Support

The extractor supports scopes out of the box. When you define a new scope in the providers array:

import { TRANSLOCO_SCOPE, provideTranslocoScope } from '@jsverse/transloco';

  templateUrl: './admin-page.component.html',
  providers: [
      { provide: TRANSLOCO_SCOPE, useValue: 'admin' },
      provideTranslocoScope(['another', {scope: 'reallyLong', alias: 'rl'}]),
export class AdminPageComponent {}
<ng-container *transloco="let t">{{ t('admin.title') }}</ng-container>

It'll extract the scope (admin in our case) keys into the relevant folder:

๐Ÿ“ฆ assets
 โ”— ๐Ÿ“‚ i18n
 โ”ƒ โ”ฃ ๐Ÿ“‚ admin
 โ”ƒ โ”ƒ โ”ฃ en.json
 โ”ƒ โ”ƒ โ”— es.json
 โ”ƒ โ”ฃ en.json
 โ”ƒ โ”— es.json

Inline Loaders

Let's say that we're using the following inline loader:

export const loader = ['en', 'es'].reduce((acc, lang) => {
  acc[lang] = () => import(`../i18n/${lang}.json`);
  return acc;
}, {});

  imports: [TranslocoModule],
  providers: [
      scope: 'scopeName',
  declarations: [YourComponent],
  exports: [YourComponent]
export class FeatureModule {}

We can add it to the scopePathMap key in the transloco.config.ts file:

const config: TranslocoGlobalConfig = {
  langs: ['en', 'es'],
  scopePathMap: {
    scopeName: 'src/app/feature/i18n'

export default config;

Now, it'll create the files in the provided folder.

Dynamic Keys

There are times when we need to extract keys with values that may change during runtime. One example can be when you need to use a dynamic expression:

import { TranslocoService } from '@jsverse`/transloco';

class MyComponent {
  someMethod() {
    const value = translocoService.translate(`key.${type}.postfix`);

To support such cases, you can add a special comment to your code, which tells the CLI to extract it. It can be added to Typescript files:

import { TranslocoService } from '@jsverse/transloco';

class MyComponent {
   * t(key.typeOne.postfix, key.typeTwo.postfix)
   * t(
  someMethod() {
    const value = translocoService.translate(`key.${type}.postfix`);

Or to templates:

<!-- t(, -->
<ng-container *transloco="let t">...</ng-container>

When using comments in the templates they will also inherit the prefix input value (if exists), and will be prefixed with it:

<!-- t( -->
<ng-container *transloco="let m; prefix: 'messages'">
  <!-- t(success, error) -->
  <ng-container *transloco="let g; prefix: 'general'">
    <!-- t(ok, cancel) -->

The extracted keys for the code above will be:

  "": "",
  "messages.success": "",
  "messages.error": "",
  "general.ok": "",
  "general.cancel": ""
  1. When using a Typescript file, you must have @jsverse/transloco present somewhere in the file, if it's an import or simply adding a comment // @jsverse/transloco.

  2. When using comments in your HTML files, they must contain only the markers without additional text. Here's an example for invalid comment: <!-- For dropdown t(dynamic.1, dynamic.2) -->

Marker Function

If you want to extract some standalone strings that are not part of any translation call (via the template or service) you can wrap them with the marker function to tell the keys manager to extract them:

import { marker } from '@jsverse/transloco-keys-manager';

class MyClass {
  static titles = {
    username: marker('auth.username'), // ==> 'auth.username'
    password: marker('auth.password') // ==> 'auth.password'

The marker function will return the string which was passed to it. You can alias the marker function if needed:

import { marker as _ } from '@jsverse/transloco-keys-manager';

class MyClass {
  static titles = {
    username: _('auth.username'),
    password: _('auth.password')

Extra Support

The prefix input:

<ng-container *transloco="let t; prefix: 'dashboard'">
  <h1>{{ t('title') }}</h1>

  <p>{{ t('desc') }}</p>

The extracted keys for the code above will be:

  "dashboard.title": "",
  "dashboard.desc": ""

Static ternary operators

<!-- Supported by the transloco pipe and structural directive -->
<comp [placeholder]="condition ? 'keyOne' : 'keyTwo' | transloco"></comp>
<h1>{{ condition ? 'keyOne' : 'keyTwo' | transloco }}</h1>

<comp *transloco="let t; prefix: 'ternary'">
  <h1>{{ t(condition ? 'keyOne' : 'keyTwo') }}</h1>

Supports params:

<comp *transloco="let t;">
  <h1>{{ t('key', {value: '123', another: property}) }}</h1>
  <p>{{ 'description' | transloco:{'param': 123} }}</p>
  <footer transloco="footer" [translocoParams]="{param: 123}"></footer>
import {translate} from '@jsverse/transloco';

translate('key', { param: 123 });

class MyComponent {
  someMethod() {
    const value = translocoService.translate(`key`, {param: 123});
    const value$ = translocoService.selectTranslate(`key`, {param: 123});
    // Only literal params are supported, the following won't be extracted:   
    translocoService.translate(`key`, this.myParams);

Last updated

@ 2024 Transloco