
πŸ’‘ Tip

If you already have i18n implemented in your project and are considering migrating to Transloco, check out our Migration Guides.

The recommended way to add Transloco to your project is by running the add schematics:

ng add @jsverse/transloco

For more information, see the ng-add documentation page.

As part of the installation process, you'll be presented with questions; Once you answer them, everything you need will automatically be created.

If you prefer not to use the schematics, you can install Transloco and manually add the files described below

Let's take a closer look at the updates made and the generated files:

The command will add the provideTransloco and provideHttpClient to your app providers:

import { ApplicationConfig, isDevMode } from '@angular/core';
import { provideHttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { provideTransloco } from '@jsverse/transloco';

import { TranslocoHttpLoader } from './transloco-loader';

export const appConfig: ApplicationConfig = {
  providers: [
      config: {
        availableLangs: ['en', 'es'],
        defaultLang: 'en',
        // Remove this option if your application doesn't support changing language in runtime.
        reRenderOnLangChange: true,
        prodMode: !isDevMode(),
      loader: TranslocoHttpLoader,

Transloco loader​

A default http loader implementation to fetch the translation files:

import { inject, Injectable } from '@angular/core';
import { Translation, TranslocoLoader } from '@jsverse/transloco';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';

@Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' })
export class TranslocoHttpLoader implements TranslocoLoader {
  private http = inject(HttpClient);

  getTranslation(lang: string) {
    return this.http.get<Translation>(`/assets/i18n/${lang}.json`);

When you deploy your application and Transloco is unable to load your language files it might be because you need to use a relative path:

getTranslation(langPath: string) {
  return this.http.get(`./assets/i18n/${langPath}.json`);

Translation JSON files​

Transloco creates boilerplate files for the requested languages with an empty JSON:


Transloco Global Config​

This config is used by tools & plugins such as the scoped lib extractor and the keys manager.

import { TranslocoGlobalConfig } from '@jsverse/transloco-utils';

const config: TranslocoGlobalConfig = {
  rootTranslationsPath: 'src/assets/i18n/',
  langs: ['en', 'es'],
  keysManager: {},

export default config;

And that's it! Now we are ready to use it in our project.

Last updated

@ 2024 Transloco