A collection of common questions and their answers.

Why does the translation fail when using translate() inside ngOnInit, but work with the structural directive?

The issue arises because loading translations is asynchronous, while translate() is synchronous. You have two options to fix this:

  1. Subscribe to Transloco service events and call translate() inside the subscription.

  2. Use selectTranslate() instead.

The structural directive works because it waits for the translation to load before rendering, which is why it works in the template.

Can I use an Angular component inside a translation string?

It’s not possible with AOT compilation. However, you can:

  1. Convert the component into a web component using @angular/elements and use the custom tag in the translation.

  2. Split the translation into two parts and insert the component in between.

What about getBrowserLang() in SSR?

getBrowserLang() only works in the browser context. For SSR, set a default language as a fallback:

const defaultLang = getBrowserLang() || 'en';

Can I include HTML markup inside a translation?

Yes, you can use HTML tags in your translations by binding the translated string to innerHTML.

You can also check out ngx-transloco-markup.

Isn’t calling a function from the template using the structural directive bad practice?

No, it's actually recommended. The structural directive is efficient and DRY, as it creates a single subscription in the template. Additionally, t is memoized, meaning repeated translations for the same key are cached. When using the OnPush change detection strategy, this can significantly reduce change detection cycles.

Why do values not get translated in unit tests?

In unit tests, it’s your responsibility to ensure that translations are loaded before calling translate(). To make sure translations are ready, set preloadLangs: true in the options passed to TranslocoTestingModule.forRoot.

Why doesn't querying an element inside the *transloco directive with @ViewChild() work?

The *transloco directive involves an asynchronous operation that fetches translations. As a result, the element inside the directive is not available until the translations are loaded. To access the element after rendering, use a setter for the ViewChild.

This issue is primarily related to Jest's ESM support and is not directly tied to Transloco. However, you can upgrade to Transloco v7.5.1+ where the flat dependency was removed, or alternatively, you can try one of the solutions suggested in this GitHub issue.

Last updated

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