This script, originally shared by born2net (#261), reads the en.json translation file and generates localized translation files for various languages. The script utilizes Google Translate to automatically populate translations and saves them as JSON files in your projectβs i18n directory.
Steps to Use:
Install google-translate package
pnpm add google-translate
yarn add google-translate
npm i google-translate
Uncomment createLocalFiles() once to generate all necessary files (e.g., he.json, ca.json, etc.)
Comment or delete createLocalFiles() once the files have been created.
Set your Google API key in process.env.GOOGLE_KEY
Run the provided script to populate translations. Re-run it whenever you update your en.json
#!/usr/bin/env node
const fs = require('fs');
const googleTranslate = require('google-translate')(process.env.GOOGLE_KEY);
const i18Dir = './src/assets/i18n';
const defaultSourceLang = 'en';
const codes = {
Afrikaans: 'af',
Irish: 'ga',
Albanian: 'sq',
Italian: 'it',
Arabic: 'ar',
Japanese: 'ja',
// Add more languages here...
English: 'en',
Spanish: 'es',
let createLocalFiles = () => {
Object.values(codes).forEach((local) => {
if (local === defaultSourceLang) return;
const p = `./src/assets/i18n/${local}.json`;
if (fs.existsSync(p)) {
console.log('exists ' + p);
} else {
fs.writeFileSync(p, '', { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'w' });
// Uncomment to create files once
// createLocalFiles();
let sourceFile = (local) => {
try {
return JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`./src/assets/i18n/${local}.json`, 'utf8'));
} catch (e) {
return null;
let getLocals = () => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const locals = [];
fs.readdir(i18Dir, (err, files) => {
files.forEach(file => {
if (file === `${defaultSourceLang}.json`) return;
file = file.replace(/\.json/, '');
let translate = (word, local) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
googleTranslate.translate(word, local, function (err, translation) {
if (translation === undefined) {
console.log('>> google error ' + err + ' ' + word + ' ' + local);
} else {
var translated = cleanProbCharactersV2(translation.translatedText);
const cleanProbCharactersV2 = (i_string) => {
i_string = i_string.replace(/'/ig, "");
i_string = i_string.replace(/"/ig, "");
i_string = i_string.replace(/}/ig, "");
i_string = i_string.replace(/{/ig, "");
i_string = i_string.replace(/\)/ig, "");
i_string = i_string.replace(/\r/ig, "");
i_string = i_string.replace(/\n/ig, "");
i_string = i_string.replace(/()/ig, "");
return i_string;
const localSource = sourceFile(defaultSourceLang);
(async function asyncConnect() {
try {
const languages = await getLocals();
for (let i = 0; i < languages.length; i++) {
let final = {};
const local = languages[i];
console.log('processing local ' + local + ' >>>');
const destlSource = sourceFile(local);
if (destlSource) {
final = destlSource;
for (section in localSource) {
if (!final[section]) final[section] = {};
const words = localSource[section];
for (word in words) {
if (destlSource && destlSource[section] && destlSource[section][word]) {
final[section][word] = destlSource[section][word];
} else {
console.log(' >>> ' + section + ' ' + words[word]);
const newWord = await translate(words[word], local);
console.log(' ### translated to ' + newWord);
final[section][word] = newWord;
const f = i18Dir + '/' + local + '.json';
try {
fs.writeFileSync(f, JSON.stringify(final, null, '\t'), { encoding: 'utf8', flag: 'w' });
} catch (err) {
} catch (err) {
console.log('problem encountered ' + err);
Expected Output:
When you run this script, it will generate or update translation files for each specified language based on the English en.json file. The translations will be fetched from Google Translate and added to the corresponding localized JSON file.